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The Ultimate Burger - Sauce Shop

The Ultimate Burger Recipe

We’re not about mediocre burgers. There’s definitely a time and place for a quick takeaway burger but there’s a certain art to constructing the ultimate burger from scratch. One wrong ingredient and it all goes horribly wrong. There is obviously a degree of personal preference; everyone’s going to have a slightly differing “ultimate burger”, but this is ours. We’ve deconstructed the Sauce Shop Ultimate Burger and made this fancy graphic. Check all the components out down below.

Sesame Brioche Bun with Burger Sauce

The ultimate bun for a burger is a sesame brioche bun and we WILL NOT be told otherwise. There’s just something about almost seeing your reflection in the shiny glaze of a brioche bun. Unreal. There are however a few articles out there that claim a brioche bun is too sweet and delicate for a burger but that is an awful take, in our opinion. We’d always opt for one over a other burger buns. Anyway, our go-to would be a sesame brioche bun with a GENEROUS serving of Sauce Shop Burger Sauce on.

Double Patty

Purely opting for a two patties because none of us have enough self-control to just pick one. Homemade is obviously what we’d go for here but if you’re really stretched, head to your local butchers and get some good quality beef burgers. There are a billion recipes for homemade burgers online if you wanted to go down that route. We’d always recommend melting cheese on the burgers once they’re cooked. Put a slice or two between the burgers, on top of the burgers and everywhere else basically. We really love cheese.

Crispy Bacon

Not adding a few rashes of bacon on here should be a crime. It also has to be crispy - no soggy, flimsy bacon allowed.


Our go-to salad combo would be lettuce, tomatoes, onion, and gherkin. We know gherkins can sometimes be a controversial shout so we would let you off if you were against that one but we definitely think it adds something different.

Our speciality - the sauce

As we mentioned previously, burger sauce HAS to be added to both buns but we’d also opt for some of our Tomato Ketchup drizzled on top of the bacon. The placement of the ketchup is key here – drizzle over the salad and you should be banned from eating burgers forever. Over the bacon is cool though.
Image credit: Food & Wine / Mirror
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