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A new face at Sauce Shop

This week we’re welcoming a new member into the team at Sauce HQ. Nathan will be heading up operations and generally being a Sauce Shop fanatic with the rest of us!

He's been off travelling around South East Asia on probably the most expensive sauce reccy possible but now he's ready to get stuck in.



“I love the Sauce Shop ethos. As a craft beer fan, I totally get the demand for something better, whether it's more interesting flavours or just more excitement and passion in general.

Like beer used to be, sauce is dominated by big business and household names with undeserved fan bases, let down by the quality of the products, lack of care when making them and a total absence of imagination. It's bland and stuck in the past, trying to play catch up right from the 'new' flavours, to the packaging and the marketing campaigns.

Devoted fans, followers, customers, whichever term you choose, are the heart and soul of any business and they deserve more than a company that holds figures, costs and margins in higher regards than quality, taste and flavour.

Fortunately all is not lost…

In a galaxy not so far away you can discover the results of quality ingredients on flavour; the impact of no artificial rubbish on taste; the force of a passion, a love, a crusade.

Craft beer has rocketed. Other craft foods are on the launch pad. Craft sauce deserves a seat on that space ship.

Enter #realsauce!”

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